

Making happy couples happier with unique, personal, and decidedly cool invitations and collateral.


I love a good poster project, particularly when you get a pitch with a great line like “Let’s talk about DEATH, baby!” from your client. From laughing in the face of the reaper to hosting team-building cocktail challenges, posters are tons of fun!

Unfortunately relevant satire

Brought to you by the creator of Trumped Up Cards, Donald J. Trump’s Big Beautiful Wall Calendar is a monument to the man in only the way a satirical calendar can be. Featuring an international cast of artists, an exceptional designer (thank you) and as many gaffs, goofs, and teeth-grinding quotes as one can fit on the biggliest of calendars. 


A limited edition book of 100, bound at Cardoza-James Binding to accompany a digital-only release of KENJI OH: YOSHITSUNE SENBON ZAKURA・JOSETSU HORIKAWA. Artist Shari Arai DeBoer created the watercolored linocuts, I designed and laid out the orihon-style book as well as the custom die for the cover impress.

Images courtesy of Pinna Records.